About the Artist

I'm Véro, I am an autistic conlanger, worldbuilder, writer, and generally an artist of all flavors.

I built this webpage to display my hobby work. For a while I have been working on my own personal conlanguage Movanno, aswell as multiple worldbuilding projects.

I love sci-fi and fantasy worldbuilding, conlanguage building, and language learning. I have studied 6 years of French, Salut, as well as a bunch of different languages. I am currently not working on my studies in any language outside of my personal conlanguage.

On top of my worldbuilding projects I may also host my current novel aspirations here. Though, that should be in the future.

More about the Artist

Q: Why is your name Véro?

A: It is a shortned version of the French name Véronique, which I utilized for all of my years of inschool french study. The name itself means in some circles "true image" or "victory bringer"

It may be a feminine name, but in most spaces it is divorced from this context, I also associate it more with the word for bicycle, le vélo, than the name it was derived from.

I have mixed feelings on my given name, therefore I utilize this one.

Q: You don't provide any pronouns or otherwise gendered terms besides your online handle/ Do you go by She/her ?

A: I go by all pronouns, I have never identified as a gender in contexts outside of a doctors office or when necessary for my safety and that doesn't matter online.

Q: Why are you open about being Autistic?

A: Why shouldn't I be? I dislike the fact that Autism is a dirty word and refuse to treat it as such. I have been bullied, abused, and talked down to my entire life for reasons for the most part out of my control or knowledge. After I discovered the Autistic community online a lot of my life made sense.

For more resources on Autism please look at The Autistic Self Advocacy Network ASAN which is a network for discussing Autism by people with Autism, not those who hate us and wish we didn't exist.

If you have an issue treating me like a normal human being you can leave.

Q: Why aren't you currently studying any languages?

A: For the most part it is because my current lifestyle doesn't provide the proper freetime, incentives, and resources for studying real languages efficiently.

Most of my friends stopped studying the languages I am most interested in. And my few native-speaker friends are very busy.

However I am looking into studying some old/dead languages in the future, mostly as a tool for understanding than anything else. Maybe I'll post about that here.